New York Times bestselling and Pulitzer Prize winning author, Geraldine Brooks will be speaking in Larkin Square on Thursday, August 25th at 5:30 PM. She will be speaking about her new novel Horse. Joining her in conversation will be Margaret Sullivan, former managing editor of the Buffalo News.
Horse is a work of historical fiction about the Civil War era real-life horse, Lexington, one of the most famous thoroughbreds in American history and his enslaved trainer, Jarrett. A discarded painting of Lexington and Jarrett was found in modern day Washington, DC . Special to Buffalo is the third era of the novel, the 1950s, with true life character (and Buffalo native) Martha Jackson who was a gallery owner celebrated for taking risks on edgy contemporary painters and became obsessed with a nineteenth-century equestrian oil painting of mysterious provenance. Brooks’ novel chronicles the exciting world of Civil War era horse racing and addresses racism in the past and the present along with a mix art, both traditional and the birth of abstract expressionism.
Geraldine Brooks is the author of the Pulitzer Prize winning novel, March along with People of the Book, The Secret Chord, Caleb’s Crossing, Year of Wonders. She is the author of the nonfiction works, Nine Parts of Desire, Foreign Correspondence and The Idea of Home. She is a former reporter for the Wall Street Journal covering crises in the Middle East, Africa, and the Balkans.
This will be Geraldine Brook’s second appearance in the Larkin Square Author Series, She is a wonderful speaker as well as writer, we look forward to learning more about the back story of writing Horse.
The event is free, no tickets needed. Books available for purchase at the event courtesy of Talking Leaves. Signing to follow the talk.
Larkin Square events, including the author talks, are presented by KeyBank and sponsored by Independent Health.