For more than 7 years, Larkin Square has partnered with Talking Leaves Books to welcome local, regional and national authors to share their books with the Western New York Community. These free author talks have been a staple in Larkin Square programming, involving local and national journalists, food critics, novelists, cookbook authors and chefs, community activists and more. The Larkin Square Author Series is generously presented by KeyBank and sponsored by Independent Health.
Though we cannot host our Author Series Season this spring due to COVID-19, we decided to virtually connect with some of our favorite authors during this time of isolation and share the video discussions.

First up, Buffalo native and novelist Lauren Belfer who resides in New York City. Director of Larkin Square Leslie Zemsky chatted with Lauren about her historical novel A Fierce Radiance and how the heightened emotions following World War II can be paralleled to today’s society in the midst of the COVID pandemic. Now is a great time to start a new book and utilize reading as a calming and meditative release. Lauren shared that she is currently reading The Mirror and the Light, by Hilary Mantel. Check out Lauren and Leslie’s full conversation below!
If you’re looking for a new book and a way to support a local business, Talking Leaves Books is still fulfilling orders via phone, email, & web:
– phone: 716-884-9524
– email:
– website: